
Monday, January 17, 2011

Here we have it...

The 2011 Cookbook Challenge!!

Welcome to my very first cookbook challenge! While Mr. and Mrs. J. came for a New Year’s visit, we talked about doing a cookbook challenge, similar to the movie Julie and Julia, starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. Honestly, that movie is the reason why I started my own blog, For the Love of Food! Mr. and Mrs. J. were challenged to do all of the recipes in Veganomicon. Take a look, they have already begun!

I, on the other hand, really wanted to brainstorm a little before I chose the cookbook for this challenge. Now, of course all of you know, or should know by now, I have an incredibly gigantic sweet tooth and I LOVE to bake! So I knew I wanted to do this challenge with baking. But what cookbook would I decide on? Well my New Year’s resolution was to begin making healthier desserts. Still delicious, but a little nicer to those hips!

So I got it! With quite a few cookbooks to decide from, The Joy of Vegan Baking: The Compassionate Cooks' Traditional Treats and Sinful Sweets by Colleen Patrick-Groudreau was the winner! Perfect!

Here are the rules I’m making for my cookbook challenge…
  1. Make EVERY recipe in the book.
  2. SLIGHTLY modify the recipe for personal taste or enhanced health benefits.
  3. Blog about every recipe, but only post the recipes through the request of readers.
  4. Make at least one recipe a week.
  5. Recipe order: Provided by the Random Sequence Generator.
  6. Goal: To finish the cookbook by the end of 2011.
I am very excited to start this challenge! I hope you all follow me on my journey through The Joy of Vegan Baking! Enjoy! And let's begin...


  1. Yay! Very exciting! I of course am excited for selfish reasons. I expect you to share the really good ones with me. lol Good luck with your challenge. We've been hammering Veganomicon, but not doing a good job blogging about it. :)

  2. Very cool! I was inspired by that movie too and tempted to make all the recipes in Ani Phyo's last cookbook. Also, I considered making all the cookies in Vegan Cookies Invade... but.. that would be dangerous and my pants wouldn't fit ;) I look forward to following this!
